Forms for Counseling Services:
Recommended Reading for Parents:
How to Keep Your Kids Safe in The Online World?
Parental Controls: Keeping Your Children Safe When Watching TV (
Minds in Motion:
Students in grades PreK through 2nd take part in the Minds in Motion maze program. You can watch a video about the maze here:
Kids and Cell Phones:
Some guidelines for deciding when your child is old enough to have a cell phone:
Here are some cell phone safety rules to consider before you give your child a cell phone:
Your child got their first cell phone recently? Here are some first cell phone rules for responsibility:
Maybe your child already has a phone and you are looking for a way to add a little more structure to the way they use it, you might try a cell-phone contract. Here is a sample one:
Social media, Cyberbullying and Digital Safety:
Safety (Internet filters)
Parent & Teacher Guide to the Internet
Social Skills:
The importance of social skills:
“Lack of prosocial behavior during early childhood is the single best predictor of mental health problems during adulthood.” – excerpt from “Teaching Parents to Teach Their Children to be Prosocial” by Linda K. Elksnin and Nick Elksnin.
Teaching friendship skills to your children
Divorce and Co-parenting:
Cooperative Parenting and Divorce: Shielding Your Child From Conflict by Susan Blyth Boyan
Resources for Children of Divorce and Separation, By Brian Joslyn
Trauma / Violence:
Helping Students After a School Shooting
Addressing Trauma and Mass Violence
Talking to Children About the Shooting
National Alliance on Mental Health – Louisville
Community Resources:
If you are in need of referrals for mental health services in the community, please don’t hesitate to contact the counseling office.
Articles on a variety of topics that may interest you:
The Secret to Raising Smart Kids (the importance of a growth mindset)
Parenting the Snapchat Generation
7 Things Your Child’s Teacher Wishes You Knew
Tips for Helping Your Child With Organization