Our Long Range Goals

A Spirit of Growth

Dear Parents, Parishioners,
Alumni, And Friends,

In January of 2019, Holy Spirit School initiated a process to develop a strategic plan for implementation over the next 3-5 years. With the guidance of Catholic School Management, the Planning Committee focused on four elements when developing the Strategic Plan: Mission and Catholic Identity, Governance and Leadership, Academic Excellence, and Operational Vitality.

As school returned to session in August 2019, the School Advisory Committee joined the Strategic Planning Committee to develop action plans and set priorities for year one. In the coming months, we will be publishing here the fruits of our ongoing work.

Our community benefits from the efforts of all who participated in the planning process to make our path forward possible: administrators, teachers, members of the school governance bodies, those who served on the planning committee, and Catholic School Management.

Most important for the success of the plan is the endorsement of the greater Holy Spirit community. We ask that you take the time to review this important work as we take the steps necessary for its successful implementation.




Title Goes In Here

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Academic Excellence

Holy Spirit School will continue to provide the finest academic preparation for all students, meeting the needs of learners at all age levels and abilities, leveraging educational best practices, and supporting the development of the whole child.

Mission And
Catholic Identity

Holy Spirit School will celebrate its enduring value and identity as a vibrant and welcoming Catholic community and parish school through clear articulation and promulgation of statements of mission, philosophy, vision and a profile of its graduates, supported by expanded school and parish communication and collaboration.

Governance And Leadership

Holy Spirit School will ensure that the roles and responsibilities necessary for the fulfillment of its mission are well provided through its staffing structure, school board operations, and best practices that support effective functioning, ongoing communication, transparency, and community engagement.

Operational Vitality

Holy Spirit School will develop and implement a comprehensive marketing message part of an Enrollment Management Plan designed to increase and broaden outreach to targeted internal and external audiences by using a diverse range of communication methods and enhanced strategies for the recruitment, admissions, and retention of students and families.

Holy Spirit School will create and implement comprehensive communication and development plans supported by the collaborative efforts of parish and school staff and volunteers to cultivate broader constituent engagement and revenue growth through a combination of fundraising activities, annual events, and establishment of a program of annual giving.

Holy Spirit School will develop, implement, and annually review a long-range financial plan that reflects all school operations, sources of financial assistance, fundraising events, development activities and parish support while providing for a balanced operating budget, affordable tuition, an atmosphere of transparency, and funding of strategic initiatives.

Foundational Documents

These foundational documents provide the structure and support upon which all of Holy Spirit School’s programs rest, and they will direct our decision-making into the near future. They are statements of mission, vision, and values, and a profile of a graduate. The mission statement describes Holy Spirit School’s purpose for existence; it is what we do. The vision statement articulates what the school will be at its best; it is our ideal state. The values statement (to come) delineates the core principles that guide the school and its culture. And the profile of a graduate (to come) enumerates the characteristics of the ideal Holy Spirit School graduate.

Do You Want To Be Updated?

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If you have any additional questions, please contact Tom Garner, Athletic Director, at happysmiles@zoho.com or (502) 641-8338.