School Supply Collection
Since 2012 Holy Spirit Parish has collected school supplies each summer to benefit the children served by Community Catholic Center (CCC). CCC is a faith-based, non-profit organization that serves students and their families living in Portland and the West End, who want to receive a Catholic education. These students attend Catholic elementary and high schools in other areas of Louisville. CCC also offers tutoring and other programs for family involvement in the education of their children.
The school supply collection takes place at Holy Spirit throughout the month of July. Parish volunteers sort the supplies and then deliver the supplies in August to the CCC offices in Portland. CCC students and their families pick up the supplies before classes begin. For more information, or to volunteer, please contact Jeannie Donovan.
$10 and $25 Walmart gift cards so students can purchase their own supplies. (Walmart gift cards for CCC can be purchased at the Walmart Neighborhood Market in St. Matthews and can be used at any Walmart or Walmart Neighborhood Market.) While the event is sponsored by our Evening Religious Education Class (ERE), we invite the entire Parish Family to participate. Help is always needed for donations and the assembly of bags. Everyone is welcome to contribute their time and/or resources.
Contact: Jeannie Donovan 891-0046