K-8 Curriculum
Holy Spirit School is a two-time National Blue Ribbon School awardee, 2007 and 2014.
Holy Spirit School provides a curriculum which is based upon the Archdiocese of Louisville’s Catholic School curriculum frameworks. This framework aligned with national standards and benchmarks established by the Department of Education of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. We utilize the NWEA MAP assessments, which measure academic growth over a school year. For more information, click here.
Faith development and spiritual growth are woven into our daily program.
Our WIN (What I Need) time is designed to meet the needs of learners by providing intervention and extension for skills in language arts and math, based on individual mastery levels. Teachers work together within grade levels to design activities that match various levels and learning styles.
Holy Spirit School offers a variety of related arts classes for students in PK – 8 including Art, Computer, Library, Music, PE, Foreign Language, Social Emotional and Service Learning.
Holy Spirit students consistently score above the National and Archdiocesan average scores in most subject areas. We are a two-time National Blue Ribbon School awardee, 2007 and 2014.
Every Holy Spirit student has access to technology through our 1:1 Technology Program.
Students in grades K – 2 utilize iPads in the classroom.
Students in grades 3 through 5 have access to laptops in their classrooms. They remain at school at the end of the day.
Students in grades 6 – 8 are issued a laptop at the beginning of the school year. They are expected to utilize them to enhance the learning that is taking place in the classroom and demonstrate personal responsibility in their care for the device.
Students (K-8) visit the computer lab at least once a week and students in 2nd -4th grades come twice a week for additional support with technology.
All students participate in lessons on digital citizenship and safety.